Saturday, September 19, 2009

PRAY for Bill...

Hello I am Lauren Youngblood and I made this blog for Bill Scarpello, my brother in sister, Jamie's husband!!!!

On Thursday, September 17th, Bill went to the E.R. because he could not feel his right arm. As he was walking into the emergency room and tried to sign in, he immediately fell down and began to have a seizure! They immediately treated him for the seizure and took him to have a CT scan....did bloodwork....results good. They then did a spinal tap and those results were clear. He was then moved to ICU. He was still having headache and numbness and pain in his arm. Being the strong-willed man that Bill Scarpello is, he was very combative so they had to heavily sedate him!! Later on that evening, they gave him more sedative to begin his MRI "brain and spine," and MRA "blood vessels," we were set to wait until the next morning for the results and the EEG, which is, "monitor seizure activity in the brain."

That night Bill was still coherent, lightening the mood for all of us! As I said before, Bill is a strong-willed man... The second he was coherent enough, he was begging Jamie for his skoal and trying to sleep with it like it was his teddy bear hehe!! One of our very close family friends, Jenn Borg was up here to see him earlier that day, later when Jamie was telling him of his previous visitors, he wanted to know if Jennifer Thomas Borg, or Jenn Borg was up there??? Jamie had to remind him that they are the same person and he just smiled :) !!! It was inspiring to see he still had his sense of humor!!! Bill remembered all of the seizure details, and showed no signs of any brain damage from the seizure, which was awesome!!! He had been in and out of sleep that evening, but he finally drifted off for good around 11:00 p.m.

Now it is Friday, and we were awaiting the Doc's results for the MRI & MRA, at this time the nurses say, "Bill's condition is adequate." For someone who had suffered so much from the day before, Bill's spirits were still so high, and he began to talk about the stock markets and how great they were doing hehe!!! It helped so much seeing how much he remembered and how coherent he was. But the mood soon turned around 10:45 a.m. when Bill had another seizure! This seizure was shorter and he was coherent during it, grabbing and calling for Jamie. During the seizure they pulled Jamie away to stabilize him and show her the MRI & MRA results, and it was then that they decided to intubate him for the next three days, due to his failure to top seizing. Jamie then found out that sometime in the last week Bill had a stroke on the left side of his brain, which was were all the headaches were coming from. Jamie also learned that Bill had a blood clot in a main blood vessel in his brain. Bill was then given drips for seizure and blood clot meds. They then proceeded to put him on a breathing tube for the sedation and paralysis to make sure that he was breathing safely!!! They then were ready to start the EEG, and turned off the Propofal (sedation medicine) to do so... Bill began to fight them, he tried to get out of bed so they had to tun it back on to finish!! The EEG showed no seizure activity which was great!!!

Since there could be a brain bleed, the doctor gave Jamie the option of going ahead and moving to Harris Downtown, which is where he would have to be moved, just for precaution!!! She thought this was a good plan, and decided to go ahead and move him... He arrived at Harris Downtown by Care Flight helicopter around 10 p.m.

Early Saturday morning my sister began to talk to Bill's new doctors!!! They confirmed that
this is a very rare case that they only see in women, and one of the doctor says that he has not even seen something like this in over a DECADE!!!!! There was really no good news for us... There was some small bleeding where the stroke was, and they told us they were hoping the blood would just absorb back into the brain and stop. On Friday all of his neuro checks were great, and they will continue to give him the neuro assesments. Around 4:15 that evening a doctor had told my sister that the clot is growing, and it's a complicated case that we will just have to take minute by minute!!! They will continue CT scan's every morning to watch the clot.

Sunday morning, the CT scan showed no bleeding!!! Which is awesome news :). His neuro assesment went great, he was able to do 3 out of the 4 commands given, and moved BOTH legs, but there is still no movement in his right arm! All in all everything is pretty much the same today which is good news, because nothing is worse!!! We want him to maintain to the good condition he is in so he can begin to get better!!! That's about everything that is going on with Mr. Bill right now we are just waiting for the good news to come!!! Tomorrow they will do more tests including an EEG and MRI's. Thank you for all of the visitors and prayers, please keep them coming!!! We know that God is watching over him and have strong faith that everything is going to be ok!!!


  1. What a sweet blog Lauren!! I am definitely going to keep praying for Bill, Jamie and your families!! Bronwyn

  2. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. Jamie has become part of our family over the years of excellent Kindergarten teaching. Ashley was so proud to be apart of Bill and Jamies wedding and for sharing that special day with them. We love you guys and will be saying our prayers for a full recovery and many many many happy years for Bill Jamie and their families.
    The Walker family
