Sunday, December 6, 2009

To know what it means to be thankful...

Hi Friends, sorry it has been a while since our last update. We have truly been enjoying the holidays at H-O-M-E! Thanksgiving was such a refreshing treat and it felt good to with our family celebrating and reflecting all that we have been through thus far. Each day we find something else to be thankful for, and for that we are so blessed.

Ok, on with the update!

Bill is still going to therapy 3x's a week for three hours....OT AND PT....he is progressing well....still targeting the same body areas...hips, quads, core, glutes....working on strengthing those MAIN areas. Also, he has been working on his form when walking..."NO COMPENSATING!!!" That is what his PT therapist says..."keep your feet close together, shoulders back, no leaning on the "good" leg...look UP!" Most of the time she puts him in front of a mirror for his exercises so he can see his body form and how he compensates more than he thinks he does! (He's still stubborn as heck, so the mirror is the proof he needs ;)) Her hard core tactics are proving to be working because his walk has made much improvement and already looks sooooo much better. Still working on increasing his stamina...still can't go to far, but he is increasing his stamina for sure! His therapist has him on a machine called and auto ambulator...this is is where they strap him in a harness that stabilizes his hips and his pelvis for correct walking. It also takes some of the weight off his body by lifting him up in the harness...for instance he is walking right now with 70-85% body weight...depending on how tired he is. Relieving some of that body weight helps him work on walking correctly and walking longer distances. Currently his is able to walk about 15 minutes give or take and about 1300-1700 feet. Then he's exhausted! He continues his cane daily...walking independently is still not safe for him. He will get there though, don't stop believin'!!! PT says he's on a good progressive track.

In OT he is still working on his shoulder strength and fine motor skills...he is improving...just a slow process. Gross motor is still good...just the fine motor is the only problem which was affected by the stroke. He does activities using his right hand to try to increase his strength and use of that hand everyday in therapy.
Blood levels are looking good these days...staying within range with INR level...when it becomes out of range they adjust his coumadin. This will be a life long treatment process! Poor Bill gets his blood drawn so much, but we know that it is necessary and are thankful for modern medicine for sure!
Still going to the therapy pool for water aerobics two days a week. Again, water therapy is great for working on his weak areas and gives him more ability to do so in the pool.
Still so glad to be home and is getting around well! The therapy wears him out so Bill does lots of napping! Still having some pain from the nerves waking up but it is tolerable....WE ARE JUST SO HAPPY HE FEELS THEM! Jamie can actually touch his legs and feet now without him pulling away due to the pain. So it is improving, not healed, but improving. Also, muscles are very sore and tired from all the intense therapy. Walking becomes very wearing after therapy and he becomes very weak. Bill has begun electro-stimulation on his legs and feet to assist with helping wake those nerves UP! This is where they put electrodes on his legs and feet and turn up the electricity on them...Bill has them put it on the highest it can go...his legs and feet twitch like crazy. But it is supposed to assist the process so I guess it's a good thing. He does this everyday at therapy.
Keep praying for a speedy and full recovery. Thanks for all the support! Much Love To All!!!