Saturday, November 14, 2009

Honey, I'm HOoooooome!

Who doesn't like the sound of that?! That is right folks, Bill is H-O-M-E! He has been home for a week now and is doing fabulously:)

One week ago he experienced his first car ride in 7 weeks, and reported that is was the best feeling ever! Arriving home was an emotional experience for both Bill and Jamie and they couldn't help but say how blessed they feel. Sentimental story: Bill and Jamie decided to put the "prayer beads" (they received at the hospital from the Chaplain when Bill was still in ICU) from the rearview mirrors in their car as a reminder of the faith and hope that they are so grateful for everyday.

Of course all his rehab friends were sad (but so happy for him) to see Bill go home! His social life has seriously been cut in half since his return home;) No worries though, because Bill of course left his number for his rehab buddies to reach him at if needed, ha!

Adjusting to home is getting easier (it is so much different that being in a hospital of rehab facility that is designed for people who has suffered a stroke and such), but with that being said Bill is right were he wants to be. Getting around the house is becoming easier as well as car rides, etc. When asked, Bill said he had definitely been missing his own bed and of course his 42" HDTV! He was especially glad to be home for Sunday and Monday Night Football and for the Marine Corps Birthday!

Bill continues to to take his blood pressure 3X a day to determine if he needs BP medication or not, and therefore has a "rockin" blood pressure cuff to use at home!

Being out in the "regular' world continues to take adjustment. There are many small obstacles for Bill, but as he continues to gain strength these tasks will become easier for him. Jamie is quite the nurse these days! Her days are centered around driving Bill to Fort Worth 3 days a week for PT and OT (3 hours per day), and on his "days off" they go to the fitness center to use the therapy pool and have joined a water aerobics class! His therapists say the water will be good for him to strengthen his weak areas because it is much easier to balance and work the core and leg and hip muscles. Bill validates this, and says it feels good to be in the water enjoying more range of motion.

On Tuesday of this past week, Bill had his evaluation at the new therapy center for his plan of care. The therapists have high hopes for what Bill will be able to accomplish as based on his progress thus far.

OT worked on some sensory, upper body strength, and fine motor skills. His sensory was good, upper body is good, fine motor in right arm continues to prove weakened due to the stroke. The numbness in his fingers persists on his right hand. His left (not usually his dominate) is actually much stronger at this point. Also, he is having some trouble with his shoulder (possible ligament impingement) and it is causing him some pain. Therapy will concentrate on this, so hopefully it will be resolved with no long term issues.

PT consisted of balance tests and those were not Bill's strong suite, and he will continue to work on improving trunk and core strength and walking independently.

Bill will have a follow up appointment with his neuro surgeon this week and then with the neurologist the following week-and an update will follow each of those appointments. Also, the rehab facility will be drawing his blood to get his INR level to make sure the coumadin is regulating his blood properly. Many Dr. appts are in the future for Bill, whew!

Bill continues to have pain in his legs (those nerves are still trying to wake up!) It is such a blessing for sure, but painful and uncomfortable at the same time. He is walking using his cane now and is doing better everyday. Endurance continues to be an issue and of course the sleepy feeling in his legs. He has gained some weight back (about 7 or 8 lbs!) Thanks to Jamie's Mom and Caddo Grove Elementary for hookin' up all the great meals!

Bill got out in a crowd for the first time this past week for his sons Veterans Day Program and it was surely a spirit lifter. Physically, it was tough on him but he was thrilled to be there and watch his son sing. Plus, Bill is a Marine and so he loved it for sure! He was even able to stand and clap during the "Marine" part of the song that the students sung!

Till next time, thank you again for the love, support, hope and faith that you all have poured out for this family. Also, thank you to everyone who has felt led to donate a little or a lot. It all means so much. Isn't having friends and family AWESOME?!? Keep on praying and believing that Bill's health will be 100% restored.

The best words spoken this past week were: "Baby, we're HOME!"

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