Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Movin' On Up!!!

Hi Friends! Glad to bring you the update you have been waiting for! Drum roll please................Bill has moved out of the hospital and in to rehab! Whoo hoo! Yesterday he was moved to a new rehab facility. It is actually the original facility they were planning to move him to, before the plan was changed for him to stay at the rehab downtown. Well, the plan was changed again (chuckle) and he is happy to be at this NICE, new facility! It is so vibrant, and a far cry from the dull, drab, hospital room. Of course, we were so thankful for the care he recieved in the hospital, but it just feels good to have him OUT!

He also go to wear regular clothes for the first time today, and it was great to see him out of a hospital gown! He has no more IV's, as all of his medications are received orally (except his blood thinner injection).

He will see a Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, and a Speech Therapist- it seems that they are going to keep him pretty busy! Today he walked 50 feet with assistance and did good. Therapy really "kicked his butt" (his words!), and he was worn out because he is so weak.

His blood levels are continuing to be monitored, and the latest results are not back yet. The Docs are planning to bridge the injection and the oral meds soon, meaning that they would like to have him on all ORAL medications. They are continuing to try and get his blood therapuetic for him.

How long will he remain in the in-patient facility you ask? Great question! They have speculated 3 to 4 to 6 weeks....but only time will tell. It could be shorter or longer depending upon progress, etc. Right now things look good and hopes are high that Bill is gonna kick butt!

The staples (20!) in Bill's back (from surgery) were removed yesterday and the incision looks good. He even had Jamie's mom take a photo of the scar! What a guy thing to do, right?! His back is still pretty tender and sore-major surgery and 20 staples will do that to ya I guess :)

Things seem to be truckin' along nicely, and the rehab facility couldn't be nicer! I will update as I hear. Thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers!

1 comment:

  1. We appreciate the updates and its really nice to read good news. I know Bill has a long road to go, but his progress has been amazing. I expect to see more and more good news in the coming days.
