Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Weekly Wrap Up...Live From Rehab

Well Folks, I know you all have been waiting for an update so here it is! Take a bathroom break if you need one, because this is a LONG one;)

Bill has been in inpatient rehab for 1 week now (and Jamie A.K.A Bill's cheerleader, moved in with him!) and he is doing great! He has both Physical and Occupational Therapy everyday for 3 hours! That is like having a part time job! He has graduated from speech therapy so he no longer has that in his schedule. (I guess they figured his speech was improved enough to talk up a storm to anyone and everyone that he encounters! For those of you who know Bill, you know he has NEVER met a stranger!) Jamie says that he has made friends with several ladies (all 75 and older :))

As for therapy, it's INTENSE! It consists of walking, improving upper body strength, agility drills and many other types of exercises. He is walking with a walker during therapy and the furthest he has walked has been 232 ft. He always uses a walker when he walks. The plan for therapy is to walk about 150 ft and work on his form (foot placement, shifting weight, balance, and all the skills that are required to walk). Makes you stop and think about the things we take for granted, huh? His muscles in his legs are very fatigued and sore, but his strength is growing everyday. We have to stop and remind ourselves that this is a process and every little bit counts! Bill hasn't gotten all feeling back in his legs yet, but don't worry......its coming! The Dr. said that those particular nerves are extremely delicate and it takes take for them to recalibrate and begin firing correctly again. He also said that the fact he is able to feel pain in his legs is a good sign that the nerves are beginning to work. His right leg is still stronger than his left, due to the fact that the hemotoma was more on the left side of his spine causing those nerves to become more damaged.

Bill is feeling independent these days and even gets himself to therapy! His new wheels are his wheelchair, but he is just happy to be taking himself. Of course Jamie follows right behind him, but she just sits back and lets him roll! He is very eager to get to therapy each day, and in true Bill fashion he goes early and stays late!

Today, Bill was able to put on his own socks and shoes and tie them! This is a great accomplishment for all he has been through. It's baby steps, but it feels like HUGE progress (it is!)

In medication news, he should begin coumadin this week and bridge with the lovonos injections (blood thinners) that he receives twice a day.

No news yet on how long he will remain in in-patient rehab, nor what the future holds as far as therapy, etc. Day by day, slow and steady wins the race :)

He still has a slight headache, which worries Jamie to pieces but right now the Drs. don't think it is enough of a concern to warrant a CT scan. They will eventually do a CT scan just to make sure everything looks good.

It was a pretty good first week! Bill has had a few frustrated moments (who can blame him?!) but his mindset is good and his spirits are continually lifted by family and friends. Keep those prayers coming! Thank you friends for your support!


  1. So glad to hear some very positive news for the family. We will keep you in our prayers.

    Brittany Bruce

  2. Sounds like Bill is making great progess! Keep up the good work!
