Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wednesday Update-

Bill had another busy day in the ICU. He continues to recover well from his surgery the other night. Theyremoved the drain that they had left in his back today, and he is feeling comfort from that being deleted.

He restarted his PT & OT work yesterday and he is doing alright with both of those. A plan has not been made yet as to when the inpatient rehab will begin and if he will have to move down to a regular room (once he is discharged from ICU) before they transport him to rehab. This plan should be firmed up soon (tomorrow? perhaps).

The solid plan for tomorrow is that they will begin giving him a very low dose of blood thinner through an injection. This is to help prevent DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis), the cause of the clots that Bill has experienced. He is definitely going to have to remain in ICU for 24 hours after the injection to monitor him closely for bleeding. They are continuing to try and get his blood regulated, and this is proving to be a BIG task for the physicians on Bill's case. However, they feel so blessed to have such wonderful and meticulous Doctors following Bill's care.

Hopefully I will be able to update tomorrow with "The Plan", but as we have learned Plan "A" can turn to Plan "B", "C"," D", etc etc.. Stay tuned!

Specific Prayers: Wisdom for the Doctors to find the right balance to maintain Bill's blood, peace for Bill and Jamie, continued strength for the family, and REST.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Hello Faithful Friends! I know you all have been wanting to know about Bill's progress. Sorry that the updates have slowed down over the past few days. The truth being that there really are no "new" updates. Surgery went well the other night with the removal of the second clot and Bill's body has begun to heal. He remains in ICU and will stay put until the Doctors are comfortable with releasing him to a regular room and then on to an inpatient rehab facility.

Jamie continues to remain off work and has been corresponding with Doctors like an old pro. She has a notebook FULL of info that she has jotted down over the past 2 weeks. As Bill is continuing to heal he is dealing with some bouts of frustration, etc. Please pray for both he & Jamie as he regains his strength both physically and mentally. It is proving to be a long road that they are facing and though they are strong, your support is always appreciated.

I will update with more specifics as soon as I hear...

Stay tuned, and keep lifting this family up!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Out Of Surgery...

Bill is out of surgery, and everything went well....PRAISE GOD! He is awake, and Jamie should be able to go back and see him shortly. The Doc said that they removed the entire clot from the spine and he is pleased with the outcome of the surgery.

Now, begins the waiting game...They have moved him back to ICU and they will continue to watch him and the clot in his brain. He will remain off the blood thinners for as long as he can tolerate (ideally, they would like to keep him off for two weeks, but they may have to put him back on if they feel a clot is threatening). His grip is good in both hands, and he is moving both feet.

Jamie is headed back now to see him....will update soon!

Surgery Update

Surgery began about 10:05pm.

The nurse called the waiting room to let Jamie know that they started a little later than expected. Nothing to be alarmed about, but they were waiting on meds from the pharmicist and making sure he was completely intubated. They will call back in an hour to update if the surgery is not over.

Will update soon.....


I just got a call from Peggy (Jamie's mom, Bill's mom in law) and she had some grave news. Please get on your knees right now and pray for this family, won't you?

The details
: after what seemed to be a great weekend, Bill started experiencing some AGONIZING back pain. This did not seem to strange considering he was suffering from a back injury when this whole mess began. After several hours, the pain wasn't letting up (more like getting worse) and he was not able to use the restroom or feel his legs. His instict was telling him that this was no ordinary back pain and he and Jamie requested that the Doctor be called ASAP. The doctor responded, and after listening to the details gave his impression of what was going on (BTW, this guy was spot on with what he suspected). He ordered an MRI to done immediately and that is when they discovered that the Doctor was correct....Bill has another clot that has developed in a vein that runs through his spine. They decided the best option was to discontinue the blood thinners and take Bill to surgery at once and he is currently there. The procedure should take around 2 hours. The current main concern is that because of the large dose of blood thinners he has been on for days his blood will have a difficult time clotting after surgery.


Why do these clots continue to develop? The only answer the Docs can give is just unfortunate genetics. There really is no other rhyme or reason and nothing that Bill could have done on his own to prevent them from developing.

Will they ever be able to control these clots? Yes, hopefully once all the immediate danger has passed, they will find the correct balance of medications that will prevent the clots from developing in other areas of the body.

This blog will be updated when more is known. Thank you for your prayers and continued support.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Keeping Busy!

Bill has been keeping Jamie busy! She has been staying up at the hospital with him and enjoying the time they are spending together. She has been helping him eat, bathe, get comfortable in bed, and do his PT exercises. She is just so grateful to have him back and hear his voice, that all the work is worth it. Bill agrees!

They are still drawing his blood every 8 hours to check his blood levels and making sure his blood stays thin enough not to create another clot. The Docs say his blood should remain 2-3 times thinner than the average persons blood. Everything has looked good so far and Bill seems to be headed in the right direction.

He had Occupational Therapy today and he worked his arm movement a lot. The therapist was happy with his work and said that he had good shoulder strength, which was encouraging. The main focus for recovery will be coordination of the arm and hand. So, please pray for those two things.

He also had Physical Therapy and concentrated on walking. He walked about 40-50 yards using a walker. The PT said that he would have to retrain his brain to get the balance and coordination back.

He was wiped after all that work! He was in A LOT of pain around bedtime and his back is beginning to give him pain again (remember he was suffering from a back injury before the stroke).

The plan is to discharge him to an inpatient rehab facility on Monday, yay! ( This is all dependent on his blood levels of course, but right now this is the plan. ) It is a brand new facility that is a little closer to their home. Jamie will be able to stay there with him, and then leave for work in the mornings. She is going to be one tired girl, but of course it is worth it just to have her man here with her. It looks as if he will be there 10-20 days, depending on his progress. Then, they will decide on home health once he is released from the in-patient.

Everyone seems pleased with his progress, and so are we. Thank you for praying!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

PT, OT, Speech, and some Prayers...

Bill seems to be doing well in his new pad. He and Jamie have been spending A LOT of time together, as he has not wanted her to leave his side (do you blame him?! :)) Currently, he is taking coumadin and heparin as well as an anti seizure medication. He is also receiving breathing treatments every 3 hours. They are drawing his blood often to check his coumadin levels.

Today Bill saw the Physical Therapist, and did well. He continues to have balance issues, and difficulty in moving his right arm. The therapist showed Jamie some exercises that she can do with him as well in between therapies. He will also be evaluated by an Occupational Therapist as well. Right now the plan (always subject to change) is that he will enter an in-patient rehab for some good recovery time. Unsure as to how long he would be there or when this will take place, but will update as more details evolve.

He also saw the speech therapist today and she said that overall he looks good. His speech is fluent and his swallowing is good. He is still on a soft food and thick liquid diet.

Bill remains so determined, and his strength is encouraging to everyone. He is just ready to get up and get outta here, but Jamie is continuing to encourage him and remind him that this is a process that is going to take time.

Specific Prayer Requests (from Bill): Please pray for his speech to continue to improve and for mobility in his right arm.

Thanks Friends!

A room with a view...

So excited to be back with some MORE great news! Are you ready???

Last night, around 11pm Bill was moved to a regular room! Whoo hoo!! Not sure if the room actually has a view, but I do know that Bill (and Jamie) think that this room has a MUCH better view than ICU ;) What a difference a day makes, huh? To say that he and Jamie were thrilled would be an understatement! Everyone is ecstatic about this move and his progress in general. It is still going to be quite the haul, but this is certainly a step (literally!!) in the right direction. Yes, you heard me: Bill took two steps forward and back yesterday! WOW!

The latest from the neuorsurgeon is that they plan to tweak his medications and continue to review blood tests and cultures to see what exactly was the cause of this episode.

He is so happy to be off the ventilator and able to communicate and see his wife and family. He kept saying to the ICU unit staff, "Don't I have the most beautiful wife"? Jamie has been so strong for him over the past week, and I know that he is equally as proud of her as she is of him. What a sweet couple:)

The family would like to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers and kindness in general. Thank you for all the food, time, and visits that have been made to the ICU. They really feel blessed to have so many people praying and caring for them.

Stay tuned for another update on Bill's new spot, and the plans from here....

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Angiogram, Additional Drs., & a SMILE :)

Hey guys! It has been a busy day in the neuro ICU, and Bill is holding up nicely. Today Bill was assigned an additional Neurologist and Neurosurgeon. These Doctors decided to take a more aggressive approach to treatment and decided it was time to perform an angiogram. Bill did well throughout the procedure, although it was scary and stressful for Jamie because she was aware of how dangerous and critical it could be for Bill's treatment.

Hallelujah! The results showed that the clot (in the vein that runs through the brain) looks good and that Bill's body is finding other pathways to drain the blood on his own (Amen, amen, amen!) and the Heparin is aiding in this as well. The Doc also said that he is not surprised that Bill's body is capable of this, based on what a fighter he is;) The extent of the neuro damage caused by the stroke is still unknown, and this will not be known until he is more awake and off the vent, sedation, etc. In addition, he is still showing no movement in his right arm (a symptom of the stroke) and more will be known once he is more awake and additional checks are done. Again, he will need to be completely weaned off of the ventilator.

Speaking of.....the plan is to begin this tomorrow, but plans are always subject to change in these situations. Today, he was pretty much in medically induced paralysis the entire day for the angiogram. This was because they needed him to be completely immobile for the procedure, as it was very risky. Luckily, he did great and his brain was able to get some good healing time in.

He looked better tonight than he has throughout this whole process and he is responding more and more-even answering questions with "yes" or "no" nods! In fact, when he saw Jamie this evening and she spoke to him he gave a little grin :) Priceless!

Keep Praying for: continued recovery, good brain function, and smooth draining!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Some Good News!

Hi Friends! I am so happy to report some good news to you all. Keep those prayers coming!

Today was an overall good day for Bill. The report from the neurologist was that the stroke is better (Yea!), the clot is the same (it hasn't grown in size since Saturday!) and he even said "He is going to be fine". Praise God!!

The plan is to continue weaning him from the ventilator tomorrow, they have begun the process and right now he is receiving oxygen from the vent but breathing on his own-great! The Doc said that in order for them to determine what kind of damage the stroke has caused, they need him to be awake (off sedation) and off the vent completely- so hopefully that will be soon. Everything that they did today seems to be coming back good, which is such a blessing.

Tomorrows Tests include: echo cardiogram (heart), and an EEG (shows brain activity). Blood tests and cultures are continuing to be done as well to try and determine what is causing the does not appear to be a blood disorder however, which is good.

Bill is such a fighter, and continues to stay strong...he even threw several fits today! He's one TOUGH guy!

Specific prayer requests
would be that they are able to take him off the ventilator and allow him to wake, that he would not be so combative in the process, and that the clot would begin to dissolve.

Thank you to everyone for praying and check tomorrow for another update!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

PRAY for Bill...

Hello I am Lauren Youngblood and I made this blog for Bill Scarpello, my brother in sister, Jamie's husband!!!!

On Thursday, September 17th, Bill went to the E.R. because he could not feel his right arm. As he was walking into the emergency room and tried to sign in, he immediately fell down and began to have a seizure! They immediately treated him for the seizure and took him to have a CT scan....did bloodwork....results good. They then did a spinal tap and those results were clear. He was then moved to ICU. He was still having headache and numbness and pain in his arm. Being the strong-willed man that Bill Scarpello is, he was very combative so they had to heavily sedate him!! Later on that evening, they gave him more sedative to begin his MRI "brain and spine," and MRA "blood vessels," we were set to wait until the next morning for the results and the EEG, which is, "monitor seizure activity in the brain."

That night Bill was still coherent, lightening the mood for all of us! As I said before, Bill is a strong-willed man... The second he was coherent enough, he was begging Jamie for his skoal and trying to sleep with it like it was his teddy bear hehe!! One of our very close family friends, Jenn Borg was up here to see him earlier that day, later when Jamie was telling him of his previous visitors, he wanted to know if Jennifer Thomas Borg, or Jenn Borg was up there??? Jamie had to remind him that they are the same person and he just smiled :) !!! It was inspiring to see he still had his sense of humor!!! Bill remembered all of the seizure details, and showed no signs of any brain damage from the seizure, which was awesome!!! He had been in and out of sleep that evening, but he finally drifted off for good around 11:00 p.m.

Now it is Friday, and we were awaiting the Doc's results for the MRI & MRA, at this time the nurses say, "Bill's condition is adequate." For someone who had suffered so much from the day before, Bill's spirits were still so high, and he began to talk about the stock markets and how great they were doing hehe!!! It helped so much seeing how much he remembered and how coherent he was. But the mood soon turned around 10:45 a.m. when Bill had another seizure! This seizure was shorter and he was coherent during it, grabbing and calling for Jamie. During the seizure they pulled Jamie away to stabilize him and show her the MRI & MRA results, and it was then that they decided to intubate him for the next three days, due to his failure to top seizing. Jamie then found out that sometime in the last week Bill had a stroke on the left side of his brain, which was were all the headaches were coming from. Jamie also learned that Bill had a blood clot in a main blood vessel in his brain. Bill was then given drips for seizure and blood clot meds. They then proceeded to put him on a breathing tube for the sedation and paralysis to make sure that he was breathing safely!!! They then were ready to start the EEG, and turned off the Propofal (sedation medicine) to do so... Bill began to fight them, he tried to get out of bed so they had to tun it back on to finish!! The EEG showed no seizure activity which was great!!!

Since there could be a brain bleed, the doctor gave Jamie the option of going ahead and moving to Harris Downtown, which is where he would have to be moved, just for precaution!!! She thought this was a good plan, and decided to go ahead and move him... He arrived at Harris Downtown by Care Flight helicopter around 10 p.m.

Early Saturday morning my sister began to talk to Bill's new doctors!!! They confirmed that
this is a very rare case that they only see in women, and one of the doctor says that he has not even seen something like this in over a DECADE!!!!! There was really no good news for us... There was some small bleeding where the stroke was, and they told us they were hoping the blood would just absorb back into the brain and stop. On Friday all of his neuro checks were great, and they will continue to give him the neuro assesments. Around 4:15 that evening a doctor had told my sister that the clot is growing, and it's a complicated case that we will just have to take minute by minute!!! They will continue CT scan's every morning to watch the clot.

Sunday morning, the CT scan showed no bleeding!!! Which is awesome news :). His neuro assesment went great, he was able to do 3 out of the 4 commands given, and moved BOTH legs, but there is still no movement in his right arm! All in all everything is pretty much the same today which is good news, because nothing is worse!!! We want him to maintain to the good condition he is in so he can begin to get better!!! That's about everything that is going on with Mr. Bill right now we are just waiting for the good news to come!!! Tomorrow they will do more tests including an EEG and MRI's. Thank you for all of the visitors and prayers, please keep them coming!!! We know that God is watching over him and have strong faith that everything is going to be ok!!!