Thursday, September 24, 2009

PT, OT, Speech, and some Prayers...

Bill seems to be doing well in his new pad. He and Jamie have been spending A LOT of time together, as he has not wanted her to leave his side (do you blame him?! :)) Currently, he is taking coumadin and heparin as well as an anti seizure medication. He is also receiving breathing treatments every 3 hours. They are drawing his blood often to check his coumadin levels.

Today Bill saw the Physical Therapist, and did well. He continues to have balance issues, and difficulty in moving his right arm. The therapist showed Jamie some exercises that she can do with him as well in between therapies. He will also be evaluated by an Occupational Therapist as well. Right now the plan (always subject to change) is that he will enter an in-patient rehab for some good recovery time. Unsure as to how long he would be there or when this will take place, but will update as more details evolve.

He also saw the speech therapist today and she said that overall he looks good. His speech is fluent and his swallowing is good. He is still on a soft food and thick liquid diet.

Bill remains so determined, and his strength is encouraging to everyone. He is just ready to get up and get outta here, but Jamie is continuing to encourage him and remind him that this is a process that is going to take time.

Specific Prayer Requests (from Bill): Please pray for his speech to continue to improve and for mobility in his right arm.

Thanks Friends!

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