Thursday, September 24, 2009

A room with a view...

So excited to be back with some MORE great news! Are you ready???

Last night, around 11pm Bill was moved to a regular room! Whoo hoo!! Not sure if the room actually has a view, but I do know that Bill (and Jamie) think that this room has a MUCH better view than ICU ;) What a difference a day makes, huh? To say that he and Jamie were thrilled would be an understatement! Everyone is ecstatic about this move and his progress in general. It is still going to be quite the haul, but this is certainly a step (literally!!) in the right direction. Yes, you heard me: Bill took two steps forward and back yesterday! WOW!

The latest from the neuorsurgeon is that they plan to tweak his medications and continue to review blood tests and cultures to see what exactly was the cause of this episode.

He is so happy to be off the ventilator and able to communicate and see his wife and family. He kept saying to the ICU unit staff, "Don't I have the most beautiful wife"? Jamie has been so strong for him over the past week, and I know that he is equally as proud of her as she is of him. What a sweet couple:)

The family would like to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers and kindness in general. Thank you for all the food, time, and visits that have been made to the ICU. They really feel blessed to have so many people praying and caring for them.

Stay tuned for another update on Bill's new spot, and the plans from here....

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