Sunday, September 27, 2009


I just got a call from Peggy (Jamie's mom, Bill's mom in law) and she had some grave news. Please get on your knees right now and pray for this family, won't you?

The details
: after what seemed to be a great weekend, Bill started experiencing some AGONIZING back pain. This did not seem to strange considering he was suffering from a back injury when this whole mess began. After several hours, the pain wasn't letting up (more like getting worse) and he was not able to use the restroom or feel his legs. His instict was telling him that this was no ordinary back pain and he and Jamie requested that the Doctor be called ASAP. The doctor responded, and after listening to the details gave his impression of what was going on (BTW, this guy was spot on with what he suspected). He ordered an MRI to done immediately and that is when they discovered that the Doctor was correct....Bill has another clot that has developed in a vein that runs through his spine. They decided the best option was to discontinue the blood thinners and take Bill to surgery at once and he is currently there. The procedure should take around 2 hours. The current main concern is that because of the large dose of blood thinners he has been on for days his blood will have a difficult time clotting after surgery.


Why do these clots continue to develop? The only answer the Docs can give is just unfortunate genetics. There really is no other rhyme or reason and nothing that Bill could have done on his own to prevent them from developing.

Will they ever be able to control these clots? Yes, hopefully once all the immediate danger has passed, they will find the correct balance of medications that will prevent the clots from developing in other areas of the body.

This blog will be updated when more is known. Thank you for your prayers and continued support.

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