Monday, September 21, 2009

Some Good News!

Hi Friends! I am so happy to report some good news to you all. Keep those prayers coming!

Today was an overall good day for Bill. The report from the neurologist was that the stroke is better (Yea!), the clot is the same (it hasn't grown in size since Saturday!) and he even said "He is going to be fine". Praise God!!

The plan is to continue weaning him from the ventilator tomorrow, they have begun the process and right now he is receiving oxygen from the vent but breathing on his own-great! The Doc said that in order for them to determine what kind of damage the stroke has caused, they need him to be awake (off sedation) and off the vent completely- so hopefully that will be soon. Everything that they did today seems to be coming back good, which is such a blessing.

Tomorrows Tests include: echo cardiogram (heart), and an EEG (shows brain activity). Blood tests and cultures are continuing to be done as well to try and determine what is causing the does not appear to be a blood disorder however, which is good.

Bill is such a fighter, and continues to stay strong...he even threw several fits today! He's one TOUGH guy!

Specific prayer requests
would be that they are able to take him off the ventilator and allow him to wake, that he would not be so combative in the process, and that the clot would begin to dissolve.

Thank you to everyone for praying and check tomorrow for another update!

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