Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Hello Faithful Friends! I know you all have been wanting to know about Bill's progress. Sorry that the updates have slowed down over the past few days. The truth being that there really are no "new" updates. Surgery went well the other night with the removal of the second clot and Bill's body has begun to heal. He remains in ICU and will stay put until the Doctors are comfortable with releasing him to a regular room and then on to an inpatient rehab facility.

Jamie continues to remain off work and has been corresponding with Doctors like an old pro. She has a notebook FULL of info that she has jotted down over the past 2 weeks. As Bill is continuing to heal he is dealing with some bouts of frustration, etc. Please pray for both he & Jamie as he regains his strength both physically and mentally. It is proving to be a long road that they are facing and though they are strong, your support is always appreciated.

I will update with more specifics as soon as I hear...

Stay tuned, and keep lifting this family up!

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